The moon lives in the lining of your skin ~ Pablo Neruda
Manifesting with the moon has become a profound way to connect with the cosmic flow and your own Biorhythms for greater equanimity and ease in your life, as well as attracting abundance and wealth, figuratively and literally. As we work with the Universal Laws- like The Law of Attraction- intention and attention are heightened and encouraged when we follow the phases of the moon.
So, tonight is the very rare blue super moon, the Sturgeon Moon, rising around 8 p.m. from where I sit in West Chester, PA. Far away from the crystal clear horizons of Sedona, AZ, I can only hope the skies will clear for me to bask in that lunar light, Lady Light! Just as our solar day feeds our vitamin D production, immunity, and physical activity, our lunar night feeds the contemplative, passive energy of rest and renewal. Particularly, a full moon beckons contemplation of the previous 30 days- a culmination of all of that effort and action, productivity, and intension. Now is a time to rest and reflect.
And perhaps you might agree, tonight feels more like a reflection of the last 60 + days- as July was such a fervent month that morphed right into August- one month turned into two, that I am still processing.
Maine Farmer's Almanac states that the Algonquin tribes, who once lived in what is now the northeastern region of the United States, referred to the full moon in August as the sturgeon moon, named after the large fish caught more readily during this season. A blue moon being the second full moon in one month, and a super moon is when the moon is both full and closest to the Earth, known as a super moon because the moon appears brighter and larger than it is normally.
So...tonight is the night! Pay heed to this blue super moon for she brings soothing light up on your brow and invites you to assess, dare I say, your entire summer season, but specifically what has culminated in August. In a way you can think of the full moon as a time to shed your skin, like a snake.
Snakes shed their skin to accommodate growth and also to remove parasites or damage affecting their skin’s outer layer. The shedding process happens throughout a snake’s lifetime with younger snakes shedding more frequently than older ones.
While shedding, the snake’s skin will separate from the underlying tissue and come away from their body as one piece, resembling a cast of the snake and the new outer layer of skin will often appear more vibrant in color.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body and your immune system made of different components including water, protein, lipids, and various minerals and chemicals. Throughout your life your skin will change constantly. In fact, your skin will regenerate itself approximately every 27 days and I like to think of this process compared to that of a snake shedding it's skin. The average weight of a person's skin is about six pounds and it's job is crucial to protect you from infections and germs. Proper skin care makes sense and is essential to maintaining the health and vitality of this protective organ.
So, why not utilize the beautiful, soulful, phases of the moon to create mindful skincare rituals. Many natural phenomenon are triggered by the cycles of the moon like coral spawning and the rise and fall of the ocean tides. Since our bodies are mostly water, we can relate to the affect the moon has on us: emotionally, psychologically, and physically. Scientific studies have shown moon phases affect sleep patterns with heightened insomnia, lunacy and increased crime rates, and the female menstrual cycle, just to name a few.
Synching up your skincare rituals with the New Moon and the waxing moon create a time to focus on nourishment and feeding the skin moisture and hydration followed by a ritual for the Full and Waning moon as a time for purification and exfoliation.
Harnessing the power of the moon creates a whole new alchemy to skincare. Overflowing with vitality and power, the abundance of the Full Moon beckons release.
As our skin is ready to shed, the full moon is a time to exfoliate, release toxins and bad habits. Letting go of what no longer serves can be profound in the ritual of a deep cleansing bath.
Tonight I will watch the moon rise and in my heart of hearts reflect up on these last few months and the wonder of this life while taking a bath. Madagascar Exfoliating Cleanser will do the trick revealing my skin brand new! Afterward, I'll slather up with Rio [Ajna Chakra Aroma] Moisturizer made with lavender, ravensara, cedarwood virginia, and clove bud- to take me down the deep, dark river of my dream world under the Sturgeon Moon.